The partners

The Circular Fashion Awards are organized by the Metropole Européenne de Lille (MEL) in close collaboration with its partners ADEME and theEurometropole Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai agency.

European Metropolis of Lille

At the service of the 95 municipalities that make it up, the European Metropolis of Lille acts daily for 1.2 million inhabitants. It is competent in the following essential areas: transport, housing, economy, energy, public space and roads, development and urban planning, city policy, water, sanitation, household waste, accessibility for the disabled, nature and living environment, culture, sport, tourism, crematoria. The Council of the Metropolis, chaired by Damien Castelain since his re-election on July 9, 2020, is composed of 188 members elected for 6 years. @MEL_Lille @metropoledelille

Agency for Ecological Transition

ADEME - the French Environment and Energy Management Agency - is resolutely committed to meeting the major challenges of climate change and resource conservation. On all fronts, the agency mobilizes citizens, economic players and local authorities, giving them the means to move towards a resource-efficient, low-carbon, fairer and more harmonious society. 

In all fields - energy, air, circular economy, food waste, waste, transport, soil... - ADEME advises, facilitates and helps finance numerous projects, from research to the sharing of solutions. It supports public policy by making its expertise and foresight capabilities available. 

ADEME is a public establishment under the authority of the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Solidarity and the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. It is with this in mind that the Hauts-de-France regional office is a player and contributor to the Third Industrial Revolution/Rev3 led by the Hauts-de-France Region and the Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Hauts-de-France Region

The Hauts-de-France Region has developed a proactive policy to support industries in their ecological and economic transition, notably with rev3-the Third Industrial Revolution*. 

Strongly involved alongside the regional textile industry, the Region is mobilizing to help it reinvent itself, change its model, and become a real factor in the attractiveness and employment of the Hauts-de-France region, while respecting sustainable standards. Local players - small and medium-sized businesses, large corporations, schools and universities, associations and clusters - are all involved in developing circular fashion. 

The Region supports them, enabling the textile industry to move towards an alternative offer and, in particular, more economically, socially and environmentally virtuous "clothing" fashion.

Eurometropolis Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai

The Eurometropole covers an area of 3,629 km², made up of 157 Flemish (West and South Flanders), Walloon (Picardy Wallonia) and French (the 90 communes of the Lille European Metropolis) communes, and is home to 2.06 million French- and Dutch-speaking inhabitants. 

It is also a European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC), bringing together 14 French and Belgian (Walloon and Flemish) public partners: 2 States, 3 Regions, 3 Departments and Provinces, 5 Inter-municipalities. This organization brings together a wide range of skills for action in the field. 

What does it do?The Eurometropole brings together the region's dynamic French and Belgian forces: elected politicians, institutions, public services and civil society (business leaders, associations, trade unions, students, artists, etc.) to take action on the ground and put into practice more rapidly what will be useful to all citizens of the Franco-Belgian territory.


Rev3, the Third Industrial Revolution, is an innovative approach, based on the strength of the collective, mobilizing the various players in the region: entrepreneurs, residents, elected officials, young people, teachers, researchers, etc., who, through their projects and initiatives, are building a new economic and societal model in the Hauts-de-France region.

They support the European Circular Fashion Awards:


As the leader in the Private Banking and Corporate market, BNP Paribas Commercial Banking in France offers innovative solutions in financing, payment instruments, asset management and insurance. Committed to the heart of the regions and ecosystems, the teams of the French networks support local initiatives by individuals and associations that contribute to the positive transformation of society. With its "Act For Impact" program for entrepreneurs with a social or environmental impact, and its "#ConnectHers" program for women entrepreneurs, Banque Commerciale en France helps accelerate their start-up and growth projects in order to increase their positive impact on society. 


As the leader in the Private Banking and Corporate market, BNP Paribas Commercial Banking in France offers innovative solutions in financing, payment instruments, asset management and insurance. Committed to the heart of the regions and ecosystems, the teams of the French networks support local initiatives by individuals and associations that contribute to the positive transformation of society. With its "Act For Impact" program for entrepreneurs with a social or environmental impact, and its "#ConnectHers" program for women entrepreneurs, Banque Commerciale en France helps accelerate their start-up and growth projects in order to increase their positive impact on society. 


Refashion is the eco-organization of the Textile of clothing, Household linen and Footwear sector. It ensures, for the account of more than 5000 companies, the assumption of responsibility for the prevention and the management of the end of life of their products. After 10 years of existence, Eco TLC changes its name and becomes Refashion, a unique name for all, professionals and the general public. Refashion recalls an original anchorage and opens to the fields of the possible and of intervention: to repair, to reuse, to recycle, to rethink, to reinvent, to reconsider with our partners and with the citizens. Refashion is there to bring together: simple, accessible, readable by all. At the heart of the ecosystem of the sector and in consultation with all stakeholders, Refashion offers tools, services, information that facilitate and accelerate the transformation and participates in the financing of the transition to the circular economy. To do this, it measures the evolution of situations, sheds light on the paths of innovation, accompanies and encourages the implementation of different forms of progress, such as eco-design, whose development is promoted by the circular economy law. Since 2020, the Eco design platform has been launched. This digital platform aims to inform and support marketers of clothing textiles, household linen and footwear to meet the challenge of eco-design. This platform disseminates a common language and allows to co-construct an eco-design approach to the largest number of people.

Look Forward by Showroomprivé.com

Showroomprivé.com is committed to entrepreneurship and innovation. In order to amplify its societal impact and make it even more positive, the group is welcoming the revolutions at work in fashion, beauty and retail. Fully integrated into the Showroomprivé Group's CSR, Look Forward is a free acceleration program that was launched in 2015 with the ambition to contribute to boosting the fashion, retail and beauty industries by supporting innovative projects that contribute to a transformation of its industries. Look Forward accompanies between 15 and 20 start-ups each year.


KissKissBankBank, a pioneer in participatory financing in France, was launched by Adrien Aumont, Ombline le Lasseur and Vincent Ricordeau in September 2009. Their ambition: to allow everyone to finance creative, associative or entrepreneurial projects by donation or pre-order. For the past 10 years, the strength of the collective has liberated creativity and crowdfunding has become a factory of optimism. Culture, crafts, ecology, innovation, solidarity... more than 22,000 projects have already been launched on KissKissBankBank thanks to 1.9 million optimistic and committed citizens. was born in 2014 out of the desire to address 2 major issues: the strong need for funding for companies with positive social and environmental impact and the lack of transparency and meaning of the investments that are offered to the general public. Co-founded by Eva (CEO) and Julien (COO), is today the first investment platform in Europe dedicated to impact investing and has a committed team of 35 people in Paris, Brussels, Milan and Luxembourg. Our mission is to democratize sustainable investment, to participate actively and effectively in reducing social and environmental inequalities by offering everyone the opportunity to invest in companies with a strong positive impact. This is why offers the possibility to build a 100% responsible portfolio, 100% transparent & 100% online.


Imagin/able's mission is to "Reinvent business, and Regenerate society". We work to accelerate the transition to a more sustainable and regenerative society by implementing ambitious business model transformation projects with companies. To do this, we design and implement contributory strategies (Business & CSR) and positive innovation projects to improve today's practices and create tomorrow's models, offers and organizations.


FAIRLY MADE® is a hyper-growth green tech startup launched in 2018, created to improve the impact of the textile industry allowing fashion brands to measure the environmental and social impact of their products to find more responsible solutions. The SaaS platform FAIRLY MADE® highlights a scoring of clothing calculated on 4 criteria: social, traceability, environment and recyclability. This 360° visibility allows brands to understand the real impact of their collections in order to reduce it. FAIRLY MADE® also offers to produce clothing and textile accessories for brands, respecting eco-design criteria. More than 100 companies are already customers such as Dior, Louis Vuitton, Loewe, Patou, Sandro, Maje, Claudie Pierlot, Balzac Paris, Des Petits Hauts...


Founded 27 years ago by Elisabeth Laville, UTOPIES is the first independent agency and think-tank in France to support companies and brands that place sustainable development at the heart of their strategy. With a team of 50 consultants, UTOPIES' mission is to open new avenues by encouraging companies to integrate social and environmental issues at the heart of their mission, their strategy and their innovation approach. The agency is recognized for its work on brand strategies and positive innovation, as well as for its expertise in socio-economic impact studies and the local economy.

The Good Goods

The Good Goods is the 1st media on responsible fashion. Learning content via a webmagazine, networks, a newsletter, videos & podcasts to guide citizens in the ecological transition of fashion. It's also a directory and an interactive map that lists ethical brands and second-hand stores! The Good Goods highlights the actors of sustainable fashion, innovations and evolutions of the industry. The Good Goods wants to help the entire industry transform itself and is willing to work with everyone. From the smallest, most committed brand to the giant that is doing everything possible to transform itself. One condition: full transparency about the strengths and weaknesses of its production methods.


Main representative of the textile-clothing industry in Hauts-de-France, UITH Nord - Union des Industries Textile-Habillement - is the professional union of the textile and clothing industry in Hauts-de-France. Its objective is to defend the rights and interests, both collective and individual, of its 150 or so members and to support them in their projects and needs, whether they are economic, social, legal and/or strategic.


COSH! is an online platform that aims to make the fashion industry more eco-responsible by making it easier to buy conscious items. To do this, COSH! conducts independent, in-depth research on the sustainability of brands and invites consumers to visit the stores to find the brands they have reviewed. The online platform also helps retailers and designers become more circular and educates on eco-responsibility, ethics and the impact of fast fashion on our society. Today, the COSH! community consists of 335 sustainable retailers in Belgium and the Netherlands and since its launch in September 2019, the platform has already guided 360,000 users towards more sustainable choices. COSH! has partnerships with several cities and offers sustainable shopping guides in Ghent, Antwerp, Bruges and now Amsterdam.

The canals

Les Canaux is an association that trains, accompanies and promotes the actors of an economy that is more respectful of the environment and more united (Social, Solidarity and Circular Economy).

The Maison des Canaux, located at 6 quai de Seine, Paris 19e, is the headquarters where the association welcomes entrepreneurs and structures of this committed economy. As a showcase for the circular economy, the House regularly hosts events open to all.


Located in the heart of the region, the Axe TGV Nord is a player in the entrepreneurial, solidarity-based and innovative environment of the Hauts-de-France region. Entrepreneurs are bubbling with new ideas and the INOUI Lille-Paris TGVs offer the opportunity to showcase them on board an available and original space. The bar cars allow entrepreneurs and interested travelers to meet and exchange ideas in a dedicated space during the journey. This is an opportunity to take advantage of a different travel time to discover new initiatives. For SNCF and the Northern TGV Axis, this is a great way to support regional ideas and innovations on a few round trips between Lille and Paris.

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